Evaluation of Web Graphics
Homestuck.comThe Homestuck Website may be a multimedia webcomic, but the website is nonetheless very well designed. While in some ways it certainly wears its age on its sleeves, having existed since before 2009, its use of graphics is very effective.
1) The main page has a flashy gif directing users straight to the namesake story of the website, the most likely reason people visit the page. Other graphics include 2 smaller and less attention-grabbing info link images, and the main logo at the top of the page. Graphics are not used excessively, having only about 4 noticeable and large ones that draw attention as well as three tiny decorations on the navigation bar.
- No graphic on the main page is without purpose.
- Most graphics on the page are well within the 75kb limit. Downloading an animated panel reveals that even the animated panels are around 45kb. The only exception is the logo, which is relatively large but only appears on the main page.
- Graphics help guide the user to the main content of the page very well.
- Images are within the color theme and not intrusive, bright, or obnoxious.
- While images do contain text, the main page does not contain much textual information. On other pages through the site it is stored in text.
- The images in the comic an main page do not contain alt text, although on a given page text greatly outnumbers said images.
question 2
- gif
- jpg
- jpg
- gif
- jpg