lipu mute mi

  1. lipu kepeken en ala kapala
  2. jan [_pona_en_nena_en_tomo]
  3. [_uta_tomo_ante_ni_ale] sewi tomo sona
  4. tenpo ma pi kasi pakala tenpo sike tu ala tu tu

This web portfolio includes examples of my work in Ms. Bennett's web design and development 1 class. it also incudes my reflections (below) on what i learned in each unit of the course.

Average CSS fan vs Average HTML enjoyer

nanpa ilo wan

The beginning of the web design course was just a pretty basic rundown of html.
Learning the toolset before you start to build is important, and we learned about tags and files.
The last step before starting to build is planning, and we planned a website before we began.

nanpa ilo tu

Once we had the HTML toolset down, we setup the websites.
We coded the index page and many others, as well as navigation between them.
We learned to add links and embed videos, and make the website look more complete.

nanpa ilo tu wan

This section will be completed soon.

nanpa ilo tu tu

This section will be completed soon.

nanpa ilo luka

This section will be completed soon.

nanpa ilo luka wan

This section will be completed soon.

nanpa ilo luka tu

This section will be completed soon.